Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday's Non-Running Post

I usually take Fridays off from working out, so I decided that I will try and post something not running related on Fridays from now on. Today might be an exception to the no workout rule, though, since yesterday I went to happy hour after work and decided after two glasses of wine that going to the gym didn't sound like the greatest idea. I haven't done anything since Monday. My leg seems to be getting better, but there is still some annoying pain. Hopefully the long run tomorrow won't make things worse.

But this is a non-running post, so let's not talk about that right now. I have always loved writing, even when I was a little kid I used to love making up stories and writing poems. I used to dream of being a published writer some day and going to the library to find my book on the shelf. Sometimes I still think I would like to write a book, but what I do more of these days is poetry. I seem to be more inspired lately, so I'm going to share.

Could it almost be love
As you're breathing my air
Sink into me
For a minute I think
It could almost be love
Forgetting your words
Ignoring your silence
A pain that takes my breath away
Almost love
Your mouth on mine
No need to speak now
We are woven together
Tangled in truth
and lovely lies
Attached by this
Almost love

Back later with updates on the weekend's run and maybe some pictures if I'm feeling crazy.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The pain in my...

...yes, ASS. It hurts, crap! I don't know what is going on. Things were fine and dandy last week. I took Thursday off running and did a spinning class instead. After that I started to notice a little pain in my left leg/butt/lower back, but nothing serious, so I wasn't concerned. On Saturday the group met at the store in O'Bryonville to run 14 miles. The forecast called for rain, but it turned out to be an okay morning. We ran through Norwood again with lots of hills. I was taking it sloooow and by the time I got done, I was drenched in sweat. It wasn't a great run for me, but I was glad I got the miles in. That's the second time in a few weeks that I have seriously considered not finishing a run.
After the run we spent the day at Kings Island. It made me feel like such an old lady. I remember being able to ride roller coasters over and over with no problems. Not anymore. I rode two and I was pretty much done in. I think part of it had to do with being a little dehydrated and being in the sun too much, but I know that the other part is because I am not a kid anymore. Kind of a sad reality check. It was nice, though. We ended the day with dinner and some drinks while we watched Ohio State get killed by USC.
On Sunday we had a hurricane in Ohio. Seriously, though. I knew there was a warning about winds, but this was out of control. Trees were falling everywhere, stuff blowing all over the place, and electric going out. By the end of the day pretty much everyone was in the dark. Our electric was out until Tuesday morning - not fun.
I noticed the pain a little on Sunday while I was at the gym on the elliptical machine, but I still wasn't too worried. I had the day off on Monday and no electric, so I decided to get a run in. By the end of 5.5 miles, I the pain was definitely noticeable and annoying, but not bad. Yesterday (Tuesday) it got worse. Sitting seems to make it worse, and it comes and goes almost like a muscle spasm. WTF.. I don't know what is going on. It was pretty bad yesterday evening, but then when I got up this morning I felt much better. Now I am sitting at work, though, and it is really bothering me again. Dr. Google says that I have priformis syndrome/sciatica. Treatment involves ice, massage, and Nsaids. I really don't want to go back to physical therapy, so I'm trying to save that as a last resort. I'm planning on icing and rest tonight and then trying another 5.5 miles tomorrow morning to see how things are. Then I'm going to pick up a foam roller at the Running Spot (which is what they make you do in PT anyway.)
This weekend we are scheduled for 22 miles, our longest run before the marathon. I've never run more than one 20 mile run before a marathon, so I'm interested to see if this helps or hurts me. If I'm still having serious pain issues I may have to rethink it. I just want to be healthy for the race. Last night I skipped the scheduled hill workout and Lindsay and I went out to dinner. She is going to be in Chicago for the race to cheer me on, then the next weekend we are going to Indianapolis to run a half together. It should be really fun.
Until next time, let's hope my butt feels better.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Speedwork PR

Last night the group met in Newport for road intervals. I am not a fan of speedwork, but was glad that we are finally having cooler weather. I was wearing a running skirt and tank top and was starting to feel uncomfortably cool before we started running. So, perfect running weather, really. We had a 2 mile warm up and then re-grouped in Cincinnati for intervals. The plan was to do four 1-mile loops at one minute faster than your goal marathon pace. My goal marathon pace is 9:30, so I should have been doing my loops in 8:30, but somehow I ended up with the 8:00 minute group.
I don't think I have ever run an 8 minute mile in my life, but last night I somehow completed a loop in 7:54. What?!?! A sub 8-minute mile? Holy crap! I guess it's just that the memory of barely being able to run two minutes without stopping are still so fresh in my memory. I was so excited the first time I was able to complete 3 miles without walking, and here I am two years later actually looking and feeling like a real runner!
I guess I shouldn't be so surprised. I have worked hard over these couple years to improve my fitness, but it always amazes me. When I started running, I thought "I don't think I can do a 10k" and then I did one. Then I thought "I don't know if I can do a half marathon" and then I did that, too. Then I thought "Well, I guess I can try a marathon, but I don't think I can run that far." Then I did, twice! So I guess I shoud stop doubting myself. If I actually had more confidence maybe I could be even faster.
So I had a great workout last night, especially considering that it was two days after a 20 mile run. On Monday I had a lovely massage which probably also helped with recovery. Unfortunately, though, I woke up pretty sore this morning, and now I am starting to feel like I am getting a cold. I am a little concerned about overtraining. I don't want to get sick now in the final weeks of training, so I am going to take tonight off. Normally I run on Thursday mornings, too, but I think I'm going to sleep a little more tomorrow. If I am feeling better tomorrow afternoon, then I will run a few miles in the afternoon before my workout at the gym.
This Saturday's run is 14 miles in O'Bryonville. Hopefully I will be feeling better. Until I'll be taking it easy.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

...Five Months Later

You can officially call me the worst blog updater in the world. I love following blogs and really admire people who keep theirs up to date and include fancy stuff like videos and pictures, but where do they find the time? Or more specifically, where do the find the time to update their blog AND have a life? I don't know... maybe they sleep a lot less then me. I guess it's beside the point now. Here I am, five months later, and I have a lot of writing to do to fill you in on what has happened since April. Let's call it the Reader's Digest Version:

Injury: Plica Syndrome. After my "lucky" twenty (hello, note to self: never call anything lucky again) I started having serious knee pain in my left knee. I went to the Ortho who said I have Plica syndrome. It's left over fetal tissue in the knee that can get irritated by repetetive motion (i.e. running.) I had a cortinsone shot and he told me that the decision to run the marathon was up to me and what I thought would be best. I rested for a couple weeks, but the pain was still there. As much as I wanted to run the Flying Pig, Chicago is more important to me, since I don't know if or when I will go back there again. I know I will have a chance to run the Pig again next year. It was a difficult decision, but in the end, I didn't run. Instead, I made other impulsive decisions that would have lots of implications in my life.

Personal Training: One of my impulsive decisions and efforts to make myself feel better after missing the marathon. I committed to a year and I'm trying to take my overall fitness up another level. With the trainer I work mostly on upper body and core. Having a stronger upper body has really had a positive affect on my running. Its expensive, but worth it so far. I have noticed a difference in my body, too. After so many years of being a bigger girl, its kind of strange getting used to looking different and being noticed. At first, it is flattering to know that people are looking because I look good. But the more I think about it, the more I start to wonder. Would these people have cared or gotten to know me before when I was out of shape and less attractive? Wasn't I the same person then as I am now? Wasn't I worth knowing before? The experience is just making me aware of how much looks can affect the way people are treated. People can be so superficial.

Recovery: So, I took about 3 weeks off running, then started gradually running again. First on a treadmill, then back to running outside. Once I was able to do 5 miles outside without serious knee pain, I knew I would be good to go for Chicago. That 5 miles felt so good.

So, now I am back with the training group. We started up again in June. Lindsay and Holly are both running, but they are training for a half, so I don't get to run with them very often. I have been able to pick up my pace, and have been doing my long runs at a consistent 9:30. I think it is possible that I will finish in under 4:15. It would be so sweet to be able to say I cut 40 minutes off my previous marathon time. This past Saturday we ran 2o miles. I was feeling pretty tired at the end, but still strong. The tank wasn't empty, so I think that's a good sign. The weather is cooling off and we have had a much milder summer in general compared to last year, which has really helped me.

I'm going to try and start updating regularly again. I am about 1 month away from Chicago. I also signed up for the Indianapolis half which is one week after that. I am going with Lindsay and another girl from the running group, Melanie, for a girls weekend. It should be really fun. September 20th is my last scheduled long run (22 miles) and then the taper begins. It's all about staying healthy and injury-free until race time.