Monday, December 17, 2007

Another Sunday, another weekend without my planned long run. With winds gusting up to 37 miles per hour and temperatures in the 20's, I just wasn't up to facing the elements to run outside. So, I took it to the gym, where the longest I was able to force myself to run on the treadmill was 5.5 miles, and that was only because "Cesar Milan: Dog Whisperer" was on TV.

I do not enjoy the treadmill. It's boring, and I stare at the seconds ticking by. Outside, I can motivate myself by thinking about upcoming downhill segments of my run, or distract myself with some element of scenery. On the treadmill, I have to force myself not to count the seconds until I can lower my speed or incline. So, my planned 8 miles were cut short. Today's workout was a video at home. I have a full body circuit workout DVD from Prevention that I've been using lately. Its not too bad. I don't know what's more amusing about it, the instructor Chris Freyteg, who looks like she had botox while being goosed, or the Prevention fitness director who somehow used her corporate power to get a spot on the DVD, and flails around in the background looking totally out of sync. All I know is, when Chris says "jack it" during the jumping jacks cardio session, I laugh every time like a 13 year old boy.

On tap for tomorrow: 6 miles. I will, I will, I will. Also exciting, my gym is offering a 90 minute holiday spin this coming Saturday. Should be a good way to get a jump on those extra Christmas calories I'll be consuming. I can't wait for the Flying Pig training to start. I'm really exciting to see if my two friends from the fall marathon group, Erik and Lindsay, come back. They said that they would, and I'm really hoping that they do. One of the worst things about training groups is that you make running friends, but then never see them again once the group is over. Lindsay and I ran Chicago and Columbus together. After running 26.2 miles or countless training runs with someone, you can develop a pretty strong bond.

Well, I think that's about it for tonight. Happy trails...

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