Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday's Non-Running Post

I usually take Fridays off from working out, so I decided that I will try and post something not running related on Fridays from now on. Today might be an exception to the no workout rule, though, since yesterday I went to happy hour after work and decided after two glasses of wine that going to the gym didn't sound like the greatest idea. I haven't done anything since Monday. My leg seems to be getting better, but there is still some annoying pain. Hopefully the long run tomorrow won't make things worse.

But this is a non-running post, so let's not talk about that right now. I have always loved writing, even when I was a little kid I used to love making up stories and writing poems. I used to dream of being a published writer some day and going to the library to find my book on the shelf. Sometimes I still think I would like to write a book, but what I do more of these days is poetry. I seem to be more inspired lately, so I'm going to share.

Could it almost be love
As you're breathing my air
Sink into me
For a minute I think
It could almost be love
Forgetting your words
Ignoring your silence
A pain that takes my breath away
Almost love
Your mouth on mine
No need to speak now
We are woven together
Tangled in truth
and lovely lies
Attached by this
Almost love

Back later with updates on the weekend's run and maybe some pictures if I'm feeling crazy.

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