Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Speedwork PR

Last night the group met in Newport for road intervals. I am not a fan of speedwork, but was glad that we are finally having cooler weather. I was wearing a running skirt and tank top and was starting to feel uncomfortably cool before we started running. So, perfect running weather, really. We had a 2 mile warm up and then re-grouped in Cincinnati for intervals. The plan was to do four 1-mile loops at one minute faster than your goal marathon pace. My goal marathon pace is 9:30, so I should have been doing my loops in 8:30, but somehow I ended up with the 8:00 minute group.
I don't think I have ever run an 8 minute mile in my life, but last night I somehow completed a loop in 7:54. What?!?! A sub 8-minute mile? Holy crap! I guess it's just that the memory of barely being able to run two minutes without stopping are still so fresh in my memory. I was so excited the first time I was able to complete 3 miles without walking, and here I am two years later actually looking and feeling like a real runner!
I guess I shouldn't be so surprised. I have worked hard over these couple years to improve my fitness, but it always amazes me. When I started running, I thought "I don't think I can do a 10k" and then I did one. Then I thought "I don't know if I can do a half marathon" and then I did that, too. Then I thought "Well, I guess I can try a marathon, but I don't think I can run that far." Then I did, twice! So I guess I shoud stop doubting myself. If I actually had more confidence maybe I could be even faster.
So I had a great workout last night, especially considering that it was two days after a 20 mile run. On Monday I had a lovely massage which probably also helped with recovery. Unfortunately, though, I woke up pretty sore this morning, and now I am starting to feel like I am getting a cold. I am a little concerned about overtraining. I don't want to get sick now in the final weeks of training, so I am going to take tonight off. Normally I run on Thursday mornings, too, but I think I'm going to sleep a little more tomorrow. If I am feeling better tomorrow afternoon, then I will run a few miles in the afternoon before my workout at the gym.
This Saturday's run is 14 miles in O'Bryonville. Hopefully I will be feeling better. Until I'll be taking it easy.

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