Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The pain in my...

...yes, ASS. It hurts, crap! I don't know what is going on. Things were fine and dandy last week. I took Thursday off running and did a spinning class instead. After that I started to notice a little pain in my left leg/butt/lower back, but nothing serious, so I wasn't concerned. On Saturday the group met at the store in O'Bryonville to run 14 miles. The forecast called for rain, but it turned out to be an okay morning. We ran through Norwood again with lots of hills. I was taking it sloooow and by the time I got done, I was drenched in sweat. It wasn't a great run for me, but I was glad I got the miles in. That's the second time in a few weeks that I have seriously considered not finishing a run.
After the run we spent the day at Kings Island. It made me feel like such an old lady. I remember being able to ride roller coasters over and over with no problems. Not anymore. I rode two and I was pretty much done in. I think part of it had to do with being a little dehydrated and being in the sun too much, but I know that the other part is because I am not a kid anymore. Kind of a sad reality check. It was nice, though. We ended the day with dinner and some drinks while we watched Ohio State get killed by USC.
On Sunday we had a hurricane in Ohio. Seriously, though. I knew there was a warning about winds, but this was out of control. Trees were falling everywhere, stuff blowing all over the place, and electric going out. By the end of the day pretty much everyone was in the dark. Our electric was out until Tuesday morning - not fun.
I noticed the pain a little on Sunday while I was at the gym on the elliptical machine, but I still wasn't too worried. I had the day off on Monday and no electric, so I decided to get a run in. By the end of 5.5 miles, I the pain was definitely noticeable and annoying, but not bad. Yesterday (Tuesday) it got worse. Sitting seems to make it worse, and it comes and goes almost like a muscle spasm. WTF.. I don't know what is going on. It was pretty bad yesterday evening, but then when I got up this morning I felt much better. Now I am sitting at work, though, and it is really bothering me again. Dr. Google says that I have priformis syndrome/sciatica. Treatment involves ice, massage, and Nsaids. I really don't want to go back to physical therapy, so I'm trying to save that as a last resort. I'm planning on icing and rest tonight and then trying another 5.5 miles tomorrow morning to see how things are. Then I'm going to pick up a foam roller at the Running Spot (which is what they make you do in PT anyway.)
This weekend we are scheduled for 22 miles, our longest run before the marathon. I've never run more than one 20 mile run before a marathon, so I'm interested to see if this helps or hurts me. If I'm still having serious pain issues I may have to rethink it. I just want to be healthy for the race. Last night I skipped the scheduled hill workout and Lindsay and I went out to dinner. She is going to be in Chicago for the race to cheer me on, then the next weekend we are going to Indianapolis to run a half together. It should be really fun.
Until next time, let's hope my butt feels better.


Anonymous said...

Now I realize there is an obvious difference, but horse trainers will rest their animals a bit before a race. Not only does it rest the horse, but it allows any lingering problem to heal a bit, not to mention it is good for the psyche. Good luck in the Marathon : )

Judi said...

I have sciatica too, what you need is to go see SUE at Inner Peace downtown on 7th. It'll cost ya 30 bucks. She'll rub your butt for 30 minutes and the pain will be gone. You can also get a roller and roll your butt or sit on a tennis ball.

Glad you are back to running. I am headed to Cali for a few days but we can hook up for a run when I get back....